20 years of experience, top quality implants with prosthetics of exceptional aesthetics have led the Dental Estetic Studio to be a renowned implantology clinic with top quality prosthetics.
The dental clinic provides the construction of all types of prosthetics, with an emphasis on the non-metallic crowns and bridges, prosthetic implants, and all types of prostheses.
Orthodontics at the Dental Esthetic Studio is done with 4 types of aesthetic dental braces, which are the characteristics of the clinic that uses the most modern from the world of dentistry.
The studio specializes in dental aesthetics, smile and injectable aesthetic medicine of the face If you really want beautiful, but natural lips, doc. dr. Ljiljana Hlupić will do exactly what you want!
Because the most complicated prosthetic works, tooth reconstruction, orthodontic anomalies are not a problem for us but a challenge.
Because prosthetic works in our clinic are conducted exclusively by Dr. Knego who has many years of experience and working with non-metal procedures demands a great deal of experience.
Tooth reconstruction and orthodontic anomalies, which are the most complicated prosthetic works, are not a problem for us but a challenge.
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Experiences and statements of our satisfied clients
Oduvijek sam imala lijepi osmjeh no nakon tretmana “Gummy smile“, je postao još lijepši jer dolaze do izražaja samo lijepi zubi a ne i zubno meso koje je kvarilo opći dojam. Sada dobivam još češće komplimente za lijep osmijeh ali nitko nije primjetio da sam nešto poduzela. Izuzetno sam zadovoljna rezultatom tretmana jer sam zadržala […]
Hvala vam na prekrasnom radu koji je sam za sebe najbolja reklama, svi me pitaju tko mi je radio zube, jer izgledaju istovremeno i savršeno i prirodno. Jedva čekam jesen da se opet vidimo za dovršetak posla. Lijep pozdrav iz sunčanog Ogulina!
Draga doktorice, raskošne ljepote.. Ostat ćete mi u srcu ZAUVIJEK i Vi i grad Zagreb. Uljepšali ste mi život i vratili osmijeh.. HVALA VAM DO NEBA!
Gentile Dott.sa Knego, Vorrei informarvi che tutto va bene, sono molto contenta del intervento incluso capsule, ponti in porcellana e due impianti e ringraziare a lei e il suo staff per i giorni magnifici passati in Zagabria si come al suo lavoro di grande professionalità.
Poštovana, ovim putem želim Vam se još jednom zahvaliti na novom osmijehu koji ste mi napravili. Jako sam zadovoljna Vašim radom i kvalitetom i vjerujte da ste dobili moje povjerenje i još jednog novog klijenta. S poštovanjem..
Zahvaljujem na izvanrednom trudu, korektnosti i vrhunskoj usluzi.
Želim Vam uspješnu i sretnu 2016 godinu. Ovim emailom Vam se želim zahvaliti za sve sto ste učinili za mene u 2015 – zahvaljući Vama mogla sam se smijati na dan svog vjenčanja cijelo vrijeme 🙂 Naravno, zubi nikada ne miruju tako da se “veselim” novim terminima u 2016 🙂 Do tada, lijepi pozdrav iz […]
Svaka vam čast na radu!
Poštovani, Zahvaljujemo Vam na trudu, prekrasnom okruženju i profesionalnosti. Jako smo zadovoljni Vašim uslugama. Lijep pozdrav!
Poštovana dr. Knego! Samo vam se želim javiti i zahvaliti na super obavljenom poslu. Doktorica mi je stvarno sve prelijepo napravila i jako sam zadovoljna. Cijela ekipa vam je odlična i jako profesionalna. Mi ćemo svakako biti u kontaktu i dogovarati se za dalje. Nadam se da ste nam donijeli puno novih i korisnih stvari […]
Poštovana, kakva razlika ! hvala vama ! Sve ste jako lijepi posao napravile i ja sam jako sretna. Hvala za slike.
Since the office consists of a smaller team of doctors and assistants, we have all dental specialties.
Latest news & trends from the world of dentistry
When in upper or lower jaw there is no teeth, it can be made with ALL ON 4/ALL ON 6 CONCEPT – 4 or 6 implants with screw-fixed bridges. In All on 4 concept first we need to put 4 implants, and in Al…
With the loss of teeth, the patients often wonder how they will replace them. When they decide to replace missing teeth with implants it is important that this procedure will not hurt them. With the u…
If you have no teeth on one or both jaws ALL ON FOUR is a way of getting teeth on 4 implants that form a fixed bridge in just one day. The bridge is fixed firmly with screws that are not visible at al…
Do you want your braces to be on the back side of your teeth and not visible at all? Incognito is the perfect solution for you. The teeth are arranged in the correct position while the braces are not …
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PRF- TREATMENT BY OWN PLASMA NAD FIBRIN At the Dental Estetic Studio dental office we can offer you the latest PRF with which: 1)we create your own cartridge that will compensate for the bone loss –…
GUMMY SMILE – TOO VISIBLE GINGIVA If there is too much dental flesh visible and the aesthetic of your smile is disturbed, we can solve this by relaxing the lip muscle. The problem we often en…
In recent years, the Dental Estetic Studio dental clinic in Zagreb has been performing lip augmentation and facial rejuvenation, i.e. anti-aging medicine as part of the smile makeover in order to give…
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
From 9am to 4pm
Tuesday Thursday
From 14 to 21 hours
Saturday and Sunday
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